Application through the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme
You can apply for a PhD degree programme through the “Stipendium Hungaricum” Scholarship Programme announced by the Hungarian government. Applicants eligible for a Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship can apply through the official website according to the given requirements.
Please visit the official website of the programme for more detailed information about eligibility criteria and the application procedure.
Official website:
You can also find information about the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme on our homepage under the Admission - Scholarships - Stipendium Hungaricum menu.
Standard Call for Application 2025/26
The Rector invites calls for applications for admission to the PhD Programmes of Ludovika - University of Public Service. The university offers PhD programmes to graduate students wishing to earn the highest academic degree and to individuals who have research ambitions in the academic field of political science, particularly in public administration, security and defence studies, military sciences, and law enforcement. These programmes provide students with a great opportunity to begin a research and teaching academic career, thus becoming successful members of the academic community.
UPS is entitled to offer PhD programmes pursuant to Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education and on the basis of the qualification of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee.
In the first two years (education and research period), students take compulsory core courses. After the first two years, their progress is evaluated by a comprehensive exam that will allow the university to decide whether the student should be permitted to continue their doctoral studies and whether they are likely to finish the programme. The second two years (research and dissertation writing period) focus on doctoral research and the writing of the thesis. After finishing this period, the PhD student has one year to submit the dissertation. The PhD programme is also open to those who study independently to meet the requirements of the admission and graduation process. In this case, students are admitted for passing a comprehensive exam.
Ludovika - UPS possesses independent doctoral schools in four academic fields: military sciences, military engineering sciences, law enforcement, and public administration sciences. The goals, documents and essential data on professors, students and PhD candidates of the Doctoral School of Military Science, Doctoral School of Military Engineering, Doctoral School of Police Sciences and Law Enforcement, and the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences are available at the National Doctoral Council’s website (
Dear Applicants,
We appreciate your decision to apply to our PhD programme. We wish you a successful admission, outstanding scientific achievements and great success in your PhD studies!
The fee for doctoral programmes in the Academic Year of 2025/2026 is 260,000 HUF/semester.
Application Guide for Doctoral (PhD) Programme 2025/2026
If you need any further information please contact the Office of Academic Affairs!
Bettina Barta
- Doctoral Regulation
- Application Guide for Doctoral (PhD) Programme 2025/2026
- Application form (word)
- Declaration of Consent (word)
List of supplementary documents
1. For graduate students, a copy of the academic record book (s) (transcript), for those with a graduate title, a copy of the certificate (s) of the Master's or equivalent university degree, or, in the case of a Master's degree obtained abroad, a certified translation; in case of students, confirmation of previous academic achievements and/or recommendation of the Scientific Student Council. (The presentation of original documents are required.)
2. Copy of the language certificate(s). (state level intermediate state level examination - intermediate level (B2 level) general language examination, complex, or equivalent.) (presentation of the original documents is required.)
3. Official certificate of no criminal record, not older than three months, or equivalent documents for foreign citizens..
4. Proof of payment of the application procedure fee.
5. Formal declaration of commitment to doctoral studies (can also be done under section 8 of the Application Form)
6. Professional Curriculum vitae.
7. Research topic plan published by the supervisor or agreed with the supervisor and proposed for adoption by the Doctoral Council of the Discipline, up to five pages in length.
8. For internal or sectoral applicants, the opinion and suggestion of the competent employer or supervisor.
9. For placements in a National Scientific Student Conference, their diplomas or copies of the diploma, in the case of scientific publications a list of publications and individual copies of them (photocopies).