
The Ludovika - University of Public Service – in accordance with the Act of 2011 on National Higher Education and the University Charter, awards habilitated doctor title (Dr. habil.) in the fields of social sciences and technical sciences. The title of habilitated doctor can be obtained as a result of a habilitation procedure on the basis of an application submitted to the President of the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council.

The habilitated doctor title can be awarded in the discipline corresponding to the candidate’s doctoral degree. In a field of science other than that of the academic degree of the applicant, the initiation of a habilitation procedure may be requested if the applicant's activities since the award of the degree justify it. The detailed requirements for this are set by the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council in minimum habilitation requirements.

Applicants for the Habilitation Doctoral degree who are not professionally qualified in the University, and who meet all other habilitation-related criteria, may apply, provided that they are closely associated with the discipline of habilitation through their outstanding education.

The habilitation procedure may be conducted in Hungarian or in foreign languages upon request with the consent of the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council.

The title of Doctor of Habilitation is awarded by the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council. The rector of the University presents the diploma of the Doctor of Habilitation at a solemn session of the Senate, twice a year, on the University Day and the Hungarian Science Day.

The University Doctoral and Habilitation Regulation of the University of Public Service
(In effect from: June 13, 2024)

For further information on applying for the habilitation procedure, contact the Office of Academic Affairs:

Simon Szilvasi (, + 36-1 / 432-9000 / 20-428).

Order of the habilitation procedure