PhD programmes
Ludovika-UPS offers unique opportunities to recent graduates, young researchers and practicing professionals to conduct doctoral programmes. UPS is the sole institution in Hungary to offer PhD programmes in the fields of law enforcement, public administration or military sciences. Besides the special fields of education, the doctoral schools of the University also accept applicants with research topics connected to international relations, international and European administration, security and defence policy and other related areas.
The doctoral schools of UPS are:
Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences
The Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences was established in 2013. Currently, it is the only doctoral school specializing in the field of public administration in Hungary. The aim of the Doctoral School’s program is to provide postgraduate-level education to professionals (researchers and practitioners) working in the field of public administration.
More information about the School in the left menu.
Doctoral School of Military Sciences
The Doctoral School of Military Sciences focuses on the questions of military science regarding the activities of the defense sphere. This includes a wide spectrum of research fields from military history through security theories, defense administration to national security.
Although the doctoral program of the School is primarily based on certain accredited MSc programs of Ludovika-University of Public Service, the law on higher education allows the admission of graduates of other universities and with a scientific background related to military sciences. More information about the School in the left menu.
Doctoral School of Military Engineering
The Doctoral School of Military Engineering focuses on fields of research that are specifically related to the military application of engineering. This includes the training and preparation for scientific research in various related fields ranging from basic and applied researches and development, through technology and technology-transfer to technological innovation. More information about the School in the left menu.
Doctoral School of Law Enforcement
Established in 2015 the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement is currently the single doctoral school in Hungary explicitly focusing on research issues of law enforcement. In addition to the other faculties, institutes and organisational bodies of Ludovika-UPS, the Doctoral School intends to involve scholars from external partners (international partners, universities and research institutes) in order to enhance the research programmes in law enforcement. The Doctoral School offers several formats of education, hence PhD students have the choice of full time (scholarship or self-financed) studies, part-time (self-financed) studies and individual training (self-financed) or individual preparation. More information about the School in the left menu.