Guide for remote use with eduID (Shibbeloth)

(This page was last modified on 16 January 2025)

Guide for remote use with eduID (Shibboleth)


Access databases subscribed to by the University using eduID (Shibboleth):

We would like to inform our readers that some of the domestic and international databases that can be used in the Library are now available from home for both lecturers and full-time university staff and active students using eduID (Shibboleth) technology.

For remote use a university ID and associated password are required on the database interface after selecting the National University of Public Service.


University staff:

-          User name: network login name used to log on to university computer

-          Password: network password (which belongs to the network login name)


University students.

-          User name: Neptun code (all capital letters)

-          Password: password used for Moodle login and university wifi connection.


We would like to kindly ask you if you may not find University of Public Service in the list of institutions please search for the university’s earlier name National University of Public Service or Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem.


You can find more detailed information in the pdf document posted below: