Military Balance+ database training

A trainer from the International Institute for Strategic Studies will deliver an online lecture for LUPS researchers on the use of the Military Balance+ database. This defense database, also accessible at our university, allows users to access, search, and analyze credible defense data from 170 countries, providing insights into their military capabilities and political priorities.

Participants in the training will become familiar with the following features:

  • Accessing data packages on armed forces and equipment types in land, maritime, and aerospace domains;

  • Analyzing macroeconomic statistics, global defense budgets, and defense budget forecasts for 30 countries;

  • Accessing and analyzing data on the units and formations of armed forces in individual countries, including permanent bases, deployments, military exercises, and operations.

Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024, 10:00 AM
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English

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