Student Colleges for Advanced Studies
Cooperation Forum of Student Colleges of Advanced Studies
The system of advanced colleges is a foundational part of talent management in the Hungarian upper-level education. According to some views, it is downright “Hungarikum” of its kind. It seeks to create the right environment for its members, the advanced college students - who are usually citizens of the University - to achieve a high professional standard in their fields of interest in an international context as well.
The Cooperation Forum of Student Colleges of Advances Studies was established in 2014 in the midst of a solemn conference. The Forum brings together and represents the Student Colleges for Advanced Studies at the Ludovika University of Public Service. Its main goal is to provide an institutional background to the efficient and high-quality talent management of the Colleges, as well as to represent the interests of the members. In addition, through continuous contact between the Student Colleges for Advanced Studies, it strives to provide as much support as possible for both organisational and individual development.
The president of the Cooperation Forum of Student Colleges of Advanced Studies:
Sára Kántor.
Advanced College for Security Policy
In October, 2003 civilian students of the former Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University (Budapest, Hungary) founded an organized student group under the name of 'Advanced College for Security Policy' having the aim of 'educating young intellectuals for the service of their homeland and the development of a secure society, through fostering professional higher education, reaching psychological maturity, living a moral and communal lifestyle and developing an increased sensitivity towards societal issues and patriotism'.
Since 2009, ACSP, just like many other advanced colleges in Hungary, has been fulfilling the directives recorded in the 'Charter of Advanced Colleges': functioning as an autonomous organisation, ACSP members constitute a community living together in a dormitory, giving them the opportunity of fruitful cooperation, while the professional courses become a determining part of our broad sphere of activities. Besides organising lectures, visits, and conferences for its members, ACSP carries out public utility activities in the fields of scientific research, education, skills development, popular education, and cultural activities for the broader public. ACSP carries out its activities in the scientific fields of security and defence policy, defence administration and disaster management, as we consider them complementary fields and as we would like to bind together the students of our university majoring in these fields.
In our days it is of outstanding importance how a professional institution can articulate its opinion, spread its results or inform other organisations. For this reason, ACSP runs a professional website called ‘’, consisting of numerous publications and other notes, while it also gives the opportunity for the exchange of thoughts through its forum where anyone registered may share his or her opinion. The meetings and lectures are, of course, open to anyone interested in order to broaden the sphere of those who would like to contribute to professional issues.
President of the Advanced College: Dr. Jozsef KALO (
President of the Executive Board: Haiszky Edina Julianna
Contact person: Dr. Jozsef KALO ( or Dr. Jozsef Lajos NEMETH (President of Honor) (
Ostrakon College for Advanced Studies
Ostrakon was founded in the spring of 2011 at the Faculty of Public Administration of Corvinus University in Budapest, which is now part of Ludovika - University of Public Service. The organisation was established by four enthusiastic students with the aim to provide an alternative and useful way to improve the professional skills of the members outside of everyday training. Our courses are carried out in the fields of public administration, government, economics, policy analysis, communication and leadership, organisation, and management sectors. Apart from the scientific work, we put a great emphasis on community building, which is perhaps one of the most powerful attributions of Ostrakon.
The organisation has three basic pillars which ensure the stability of our work. The courses, lectures and academic career model grant the enforcement of professionalism; cultural, traditional and charitable programmes widen the diversity of the activities, while college programmes serve to strengthen the relationship between our members. Resolving issues related to the College's activities is primarily the task of the members. Still, the help, the experience and the guidance of the instructors, the Faculty and the University are priceless.
Our Guests were, e.g. László Kövér, the Head of the Hungarian Parliament; Mihály Varga, Minister of National Economy; Sándor Egervári, former coach of the national football team; Mátyás Szűrös, the first president of the Third Republic of Hungary, Tibor Navracsics, István Stumpf, Gábor Török, Ágoston Sámuel Mráz, Hajnalka Juhász.
Advanced College for National Security

The Advanced College for National Security (in Hungarian: Nemzetbiztonsági Szakkollégium, NBSZK) is a student organisation focused on talent management. NBSZK was founded in 2013 and operates with the professional support of the Institute of National Security.
The advanced college is organised primarily for professional and scientific purposes, thus, on a thematic basis. The membersof‘NBSZK’ are undergraduate and graduate students studying in many specialisations and faculties of the University of Public Service and doctoral students of the LUPS. The advanced college is also a platform for interprofessional dialogue and cooperation, bringing together students with both civilian and officer candidate status. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for our members that may accompany them in the first years of their professional lives. The Alumni Community of our college provide a forum for both professional and leisure-time purposes to our honorary members who have already completed their studies.
The main research interests of its members are multidisciplinary knowledge consisting of national security and strategic studies, as well as military science. By acquiring this knowledge, our members acquire specialised knowledge with which they have a better chance of finding a job in both the public and competitive sectors in the future.
Moreover, we try to develop a problem-oriented, practice-oriented and global thinking approach that can be utilised later.
In addition to continuous professional and scientific work, the NBSZK intends to make a great contribution to the professional development, advancement and development of our talents through the development of individual and social skills. The College aim to implement these in both group and individual training structures. The continuously organised internal course system and skills development training, as well as study trips, strengthen the feeling of togetherness, and also provide great opportunities to conduct group training. Our mentoring system provided by our mentor teachers, as well as active participation and publication activity in different conferences and competitions, are tools of individual talent management.
Our Advanced College has four research cells that cover and encompass the professional and scientific work of our members. We provide the following research cells:
Cyber Security and Technology Challenges Research Cell
National Security Research Cell
Armed Conflict and Terrorism Research Cell
Interdisciplinary Research Cell
Our mission is to keep the Advanced College for National Security a multidisciplinary theoretical and practical workshop in the areas of priority for national security and a praised member of the Advanced Colleges. We believe that a cohesive community, high-quality professional work and an approach committed to the future will revealnew directions in the field of the harmonisation of public service professional systems.
For further information, please contact us at one of the following contacts:
Magyary Zoltán College for Advanced Studies
The Magyary Zoltán College for Advanced Studies was founded in 2001 and still operates at the Faculty of Science of Public Governance and Administration of the National University of Public Service. The eponym of the College is Zoltán Magyary who is one of the most determining persons of Hungarian public administration. His intellectual legacy still forms the basis of numerous development programmes.
The College for Advanced Studies has always placed great emphasis on professionalism, which is one of the cornerstones of the College for Advanced Studies Movement, one of the milestones of which was the Magyary Conference held for the first time in the autumn of 2020. Our College will be 20 years old this year, on the occasion of which we are preparing for a large-scale conference series, in addition to the 2nd Magyary Conference in the spring.
Our College is also active in the field of science: our members have represented Magyary for a large number of years at the Scientific Student Circle Conferences (OTDK), both as lecturers and opponents. At the OTDK, which will be held in the spring of 2021, 11 people from our College for Advanced Studies will be able to participate as lecturers.
We will continue to try to be present also at the event called Like-a-Parlament.
The internal training system of our College for Advanced Studies strives to satisfy the needs of its students and to exploit their development opportunities with an extremely diverse range of courses. These courses are implemented in close cooperation with the Departments of the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies of the University, which provide specific and valuable knowledge (China's socio-economic and political situation, Hungary's economy from the crisis of 2008 to the present) and develop skills (case law, research methodology) which help to advance scientific research. In 2019, the Private Law Research Workshop was established together with the Department of Civilistics, in which high-quality publications are produced by examining a segment of civil law.
We do not ignore the cooperation of our community and the nurturing of relations, as the community is one of the greatest strengths of Magyary. In addition to studies and professional activities, we enjoy each other's company on pre-organized or just spontaneous programs: we organise a board game evening or just get together to talk and relax a bit. One of the highlights of the shared experiences is a multi-day, year-end general assembly in summer with a varied series of programs, which we usually hold in Héreg. The Admissions Mentoring Program, organised in the fall semester, ensures continuous recruitment to the college. In this case, the mentees can get to know Magyary through various programs: an acquaintance evening, a quiz, a community building weekend, common pizza baking, etc., showing the pervasive power of the community of our College, the community to which we all adhere from the bottom of our hearts.
St. George Advanced College
The St. George College for Advanced Studies is the first elite training workshop in the field of law enforcement.
The Roman soldier and martyr Saint George also referred to as the "Dragon Slayer", was not accidentally chosen as the namesake of the College. Its symbolism expresses the current goal of law enforcement: to defeat bad and evil, in whatever form it is present in our world.
The main activities of the College are the cultivation of criminal sciences such as forensics, criminology and criminal law, as well as branches of social sciences strongly related to law enforcement, such as sociology and psychology. This is manifested in the production of publications and posters, the organization of study competitions, quizzes, conferences and workshops, and several scientific research workshops. In addition, the community-building nature of the advanced college is significant: we participate in sports events, cooking competitions and organize team-building trainings together.
The St. George College for Advanced Studes is for those who want to enjoy the present and establish their future professionally at the same time, because here the philosophy of ‘carpe diem’ and the responsible future planning coexists. We are welcoming to our College not only future police officer students, but also students of all the other faculties in the spirit of the.
Dr. Blask Béla ret. police Major General - President
+ 36-1-432-9000 / 19-135
Dr. Frigyer László police major - Director
+ 36-30-684-58-13
Anna Szekér - student director
Tivadar Puskás College for Advanced Studies
The Tivadar Puskás College for Advanced Studies was established in February 2010 by students of the Departments of Military- and Technical Security Engineering, Technical Engineering and Transportation Engineering of the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training of the Ludovika University of Public Service, in cooperation with the Council of the Faculty and the Students’ Union.
The main aim of this organisation is to provide interdisciplinary training mostly for students of technical sciences. This training contains topics that are not discussed in the traditional curriculum however they are strongly related to it. This can give extra knowledge to university education programmes. In addition, the College pays special attention to the college's relationships and cultural programs. The College cooperates with all the faculties, institutes and departments of the University that fit its profile, as well as with other Student Colleges.
There are several different kinds of lectures and open forums which play a central role in the life of the College. A lot of lecturers and professionals are invited to those occasions. Recently we have participated in several scientific events as organisers, volunteers or simply just students.
The following research cells operate within the Puskás Tivadar Technical College:
- Modern Armaments and Military Technology Research Cell;
- Modern Warfare Research Cell;
- Cyber Security Research Cell;
- Modern Infocommunication Technologies Research Cell;
- Operational Logistics Research Cell;
- Military History Research Cell;
Each research cell provides knowledge and research opportunities for members, with individual and group preparation, and with all the support of mentor instructors.
Director: Dr. András Tóth
Chairman: Balázs Ádám
Vice President: Máté Dub
István Zsuffa College for Advanced Studies
The István Zsuffa College for Advanced Studies was established in April 2007as the legal predecessor of the Faculty of Water Sciences of the University of Public Service, the Eötvös József College in Baja as the only advanced college of the College. The goals, which had been set at the time of foundation, include participating in interesting lectures outside of class, as well as in study trips, and preparing for further studies (MSc), for which students received all the support in the framework of our advanced college.
This does not differ at the present, as the main goal of our organisation is to implement training consisting of programs, primarily for students participating in engineering training, which enables the acquisition of knowledge that is not included in the curriculum but is closely related to it.
In 2015, our college took the name of Dr. István Zsuffa, who taught his students devotedly as a professor of the science of hydrology. The professor’s life path serves as a model for all of us. Our former head of the Department was the embodiment of an engineer intellectual who, in addition to becoming internationally praised in his own research field, was always open to the co-sciences. His high human literacy interwoven his engineering teaching work, giving his students far more than the university requirements. All this made it clear that by taking his name, we would dedicate to his memory and follow his example.
Complementing our higher education, our college places great emphasis on participation in professional lectures, forums, social and cultural programs, and Conferences of Scientific Student associations. Our members are active participants and possibly contributors of several scientific events. Participation in the Researchers' Night or the Hungarian Hydrological Society Youth Days is given a key role in obtaining and maintaining the qualifications of our organisation. Our college also maintains good relations with a number of local organisations, such as the Baja Shipyard Association or the Baja Municipal Depository Committee.
The natural features of Baja are unparalleled: even the rooms of the dormitory offer a wonderful view of one of the tributaries of the Danube, the Sugovica, which hosts many leisure-time and water sports activites. In addition to spending free time at local water-related events (eg Jánoska drainage), many recreational activities help to refresh yourself after work.
The Gemenc Forest, the largest contiguous floodplain forest in Central Europe, is also in the neighborhood of the dormitory. A trip to the forest railway, an observation of the animals living in the floodplain, or a canoe trip on the Danube and its backwaters all provide a great opportunity to relax during the tense period of the exam period so that we can take on the challenges ahead with renewed vigour.
Anna Somogyi
Szabina Hagymási
Nagy Zétény
head of financial matters
Szücs Andrea
head of communication matters
Angelika Rácz
head of proffessional matters
International and European Advanced College
The International and European Advanced College was established in 2017 in Budapest.
Its aim is to support the professional development of students and to help them achieve their scientific goals. Within this framework, it provides an opportunity for individual or joint creative and research work, publishing activities, as well as the improvement of language competences of the members, additionally to the fulfillment of regular university obligations. The most important topics that the College students can get acquainted with in scientific detail are international relations and diplomacy, the European Union, European integration, and international security and defense policy.
The College, which currently has 35 members, has successfully integrated into the ranks of Advanced Colleges and has already successfully organized several professional and community programs. Members work in working groups, giving all Advanced College students the opportunity to become involved in the operation of the Organization. Its most significant event is the International and European Salon, which welcomes a large number of teachers, students and interested people among the more than 100 participants.
The cohesive power of the community is excellent, and in addition to the professional programs, there is also time to relax through the community-building programs. The College has an enthusiastic, helpful and ambitious team behind itself, which promotes efficient operation and creation of outstanding professional college programs. Nemzetközi-és-Európai-Szakkollégium-243549416309021
Disaster Management Advanced College
St. Florian is a Christian martyr, the patron saint of firefighters.
Fear of fire, one of the most formidable elemental forces, brought to life the figure of St. Florian, but he was also often called to help during floods. For today’s integrated professional disaster management organisation, St. Florian embodies the essence of firefighting work: perseverance, honor and helping our fellow human beings.
The task of our advanced college is to take care of talented students who are committed to society and are participating in higher education, further to strengthen their commitment to professional disaster management bodies, and to provide professional and, where possible, financial support for their individual research programs. We provide support for participation in domestic and international scientific competitions, and provide publication opportunities and facilitate the conferences, courses and lectures organized by the Advanced College.
Our College takes part in the organization of study trips in Hungary and abroad, in the development of language skills, and is in professional and cultural cooperation with domestic and foreign universities. It contributes to a higher level of professional knowledge by providing opportunities for professional training and self-education in scientific communities and research workshops. In addition to educational activities, it provides professional training by expanding student autonomy in order to help students to achieve their goals. We welcome not only students in the field of disaster management to our College, but also students from other faculties of the university who are interested in the task system of disaster management and related research areas.
More information:
Head of the Advanced College: Dr. József Ambrusz tit. firefighter colonel