Erasmus+ Student Application Call




Application period: September 9, 2024, 08:00 AM - September 23, 2024, 11:59 PM

Eligible period for mobility: Second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year

Maximum duration[1]: 5 months

Eligibility criteria:

- Hungarian citizens or individuals with a residence permit, stay permit, or refugee status in Hungary

- Active enrollment in full-time or part-time studies at the University at the time of application submission.

- A minimum academic average of 3.0 (satisfactory).

- BA students must have completed at least one semester by the time of application and at least two completed active semesters by the start of mobility.

- MA students or doctoral students must have at least one completed active semester by the start of mobility.

- B2 level state-recognized language proficiency certificate in the language of instruction offered by the host institution.


Application Process:

-  Applications must be submitted electronically through the Erasmus+ Application Portal;

-  The list of eligible partner institutions can be accessed by clicking HERE.

-  The deadline for submitting application materials is September 23, 2024, at 11:59 PM.

-  Please adhere strictly to the application submission deadline. Once the deadline is over the Erasmus+ Application Portal will be closed and it will not be possible to submit an application.


Documents to be attached to the application:

- Academic transcript of the first semester for applicants in their first year, transcript of the two latest semesters for students in other grades;[2]

- Copies of language proficiency certificate(s);

- Europass CV in English and in the language of instruction of the chosen institution;

- A motivation letter in English (minimum 3000 characters);

- Other annexes considered relevant[3];

- Student status certificate for students of the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training


Evaluation process:

-  If the electronic application form is incomplete or filled out incorrectly, the applicant will have 5 working days from the date of the request to provide the additional document and/or to correct the application.

-  Applications that meet the formal requirements will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee based on criteria defined in Rector's Directive 32/2021.

-  The evaluation of applications will include an oral interview and an assessment of the students' oral and written language skills.[4]


Announcement of results:

- Applicants will receive electronic notification of the results through the Erasmus+ Application Portal, expected within 5 weeks after the application period ends.


Additional financial support:

Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities: Students can apply  alongside their Erasmus+ application through the Erasmus+ Application Portal. More information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found on the University's website. 

Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses: More detailed information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found on the University's website. 

Green Travel Support: Participants who choose a sustainable type of travel (bus, train, boat, carpool) for their mobility will receive a top up amount of 50 EUR.


For more information on the Erasmus+ Programme, please visit the central University website or contact the faculty coordinators or the International Office at

The data protection policy related to the application can be accessed by clicking here.

Budapest, 2024.


Dr. Deli Gergely








Application period: September 9, 2024, 08:00 AM - September 23, 2024, 11:59 PM

Eligible period for mobility: Second semester of the 2024/2025 academic year

Maximum duration: 2 months

Eligibility criteria:

- Hungarian citizens or individuals with a residence permit, stay permit, or refugee status in Hungary

- Active enrollment in full-time or part-time studies at the University at the time of application submission.

- A minimum academic average of 3.0 (satisfactory).

- BA students must have completed at least one semester by the time of application and at least two completed active semesters by the start of mobility.

- MA students or doctoral students must have at least one completed active semester by the start of mobility.

- B2 level state-recognized language proficiency certificate in the language of instruction offered by the host institution.


Eligible institutions:

- Any organization or institution, with the exception of the institutions and bodies of the European Union (public or private institutions, non-profit or educational institutions, diplomatic missions), as well as higher education institutions with an ECHE Charter.

The chosen internship location must always be aligned with the applicant's study program.

- The list of eligible countries can be accessed by clicking HERE.


Application Process:

- Applications must be submitted electronically through the Erasmus+ Application Portal;

- The deadline for submitting application materials is September 23, 2024, at 11:59 PM.

- For internships, the applicant must independently find their host organization.

- Please adhere strictly to the application submission deadline. Once the deadline is over the Erasmus+ Application Portal will be closed, and it will not be possible to submit an application.


Documents to be attached to the application:

- Academic transcript of the first semester for applicants in their first year, transcript of the two latest semesters for students in other grades;[2]

- Copies of language proficiency certificate(s);

- Europass CV in English and in the language of instruction of the chosen institution;

- A motivation letter in English (minimum 3000 characters);

- Other annexes considered relevant[3];

-  Student status certificate for students of the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training


Evaluation process:

- If the electronic application form is incomplete or filled out incorrectly, the applicant will have 5 working days from the date of the request to provide the additional document and/or to correct the application.

- Applications that meet the formal requirements will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee based on criteria defined in Rector's Directive 32/2021.

- The evaluation of applications will include an oral interview and an assessment of the students' oral and written language skills.[4]


Announcement of results:

- Applicants will receive electronic notification of the results through the Erasmus+ Application Portal, expected within 5 weeks after the application period ends.


Additional financial support:

Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities: Students can apply alongside their Erasmus+ application through the Erasmus+ Application Portal. More information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found on the University's website. 

- Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses: More detailed information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found on the University's website. 

- Green Travel Support: Participants who choose a sustainable type of travel (bus, train, boat, carpool) for their mobility will receive a top up amount of 50 EUR.

For more information on the Erasmus+ Programme, please visit the central University website or contact the faculty coordinators or the International Office at .

The data protection policy related to the application can be accessed by clicking here.

Budapest, 2024.



Dr. Deli Gergely




[1] An extension of an Erasmus+ mobility can be requested within 30 days before the end of the mobility, but is subject to the availability of the budget.

[2] This document can be downloaded from the Neptun system or obtained from the Registrar’s Office; for MA or doctoral students, a diploma supplement may also be attached.

[3] OTDK (National Scientific Students' Associations Conference) placements or participation, TDK (Scientific Students' Associations Conference) membership, Demonstrator activities, Activities in academic colleges, ESN (Erasmus Student Network) mentoring activities, Stipendium Hungaricum mentoring activities, EHÖK (Hungarian National Students' Union) or HÖK (Student Union) membership or official positions, Other public activities, Placements or participation in international or national sports competitions, Active participation in school sports life

[4] A student of the FPGIS is not required to participate in the language assessment if they possess a language certificate (B2 or C1) in the chosen mobility language that meets the proficiency level required by the partner universities.