College of Visegrád+

The College of Visegrad+ programme is a priority training project of the John Lukacs Institute for Strategy and Politics of the Ludovika University of Public Service.

The idea of our College of Visegrad+ programme focuses on the Visegrad Cooperation: a regional alliance of four Central European countries, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Poland.

The aim of the College of Visegrad+ initiative is to foster the next generation of leaders within the Visegrad Cooperation, who have a better understanding of the shared history of our Central European region, possess greater mutual respect towards each other’s cultures, and will be better equipped to promote the vision of a modern, forward-looking 21st century cooperation between the V4 countries.

In 2024, we have launched our “College of Visegrad+ Weekend University” project for students and young professionals from the Visegrad countries.

The first event was held from 3 to 9 April, 2024, at the Ludovika campus in Budapest, gathering university students, emerging professionals and guest lecturers from across the Visegrad countries. It was co-organised by the John Lukacs Institute for Strategy and Politics, the Metropolitan University of Prague, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of Košice, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund and the Otto von Habsburg Foundation.

The second session of the College of Visegrad+ Weekend University took place in the historic city of Visegrad, from 10 to 13 October, 2024. Both events aimed to offer participants a deeper knowledge of various facets of Visegrad Cooperation, getting to know each other’s positions and expanding their network among young people from the V4 nations who share similar values and interests. The lectures and discussions were enriched by cultural programs, including visits to landmarks such as the Parliament and the Visegrad Citadel.

More information about the College of Visegrad+ Programme.

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