The Growing Geopolitical Significance of the Arctic
The Arctic's increasing geopolitical importance is a significant factor in global politics. The region contains strategically important transport routes, which have not only economic and political significance, but also significant social implications depending on their existence or disruption. However, the Arctic’s importance extends beyond trade routes. Its largely frozen waters contain untapped mineral resources that fuel competition among northern states. Estimates suggest that approximately 30% of the world's natural gas and 13% of its oil reserves are located here.
States like China, Russia, and the United States are increasingly vocal in the region, asserting their power. While there are numerous strategic disagreements in the area, these powers would have the greatest influence if their interests were to be asserted.
Just as after the Second World War, the international community united for peace, NATO now plays a major role in maintaining peace and deterring power plays. Using a policy of deterrence, NATO aims to counter disproportionate demands and actions. Deterrence rests on three pillars: cohesion, capability, and communication. NATO’s role is critically important for security policy. It possesses the means and legal authority to prevent any single state from imposing its will, working to ensure peace and security.
Although the geostrategic importance of the Arctic is much broader, the main thesis remains: maintaining international peace and security requires the common will of all states, and NATO provides a stable framework to contribute to this.