Deepening cooperation with Tongji University in Shanghai

Ludovika - University of Public Service hosted a high-level delegation from the School of Political Science and International Relations of Tongji University, Shanghai. The visiting members of the faculty were led by Prof. Dr. Men Honghua, the Dean of the School and president of the Institute for China and World Studies. The delegation also included two other senior professors from the Chinese university, Prof. Dr. Cai Sanfa and Prof. Dr. Song Lilei, the Director of the Center for European Studies.

Tongji University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the People's Republic of China, was founded in Shanghai in 1907 on the initiative of Germany. The university has more than 30 faculties and over 42,000 students studying at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels, with extensive international connections and a high global profile, including a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in April this year.

The delegation of the Tongji University was received by Major General Prof. Dr. László Kovács, Vice-Rector of Ludovika, and Head of the Doctoral School of Military Science. In the discussions participated also Dr. Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy, Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar, Vice-Dean of International Affairs and Dr. Sándor P. Szabó, Director of the Chinese Public  Administration, Economy and Society Research Center at the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies.

During the meeting, the parties identified several areas where they consider it possible and important to take cooperation between the two universities to a new level. Such areas were identified as student and faculty exchanges, the organisation of regular joint academic conferences (alternating annually between Budapest and Shanghai), cooperation in the field of publications, joint educational programmes and academic projects, including cooperation between doctoral schools.

The result-oriented and practical focus of the cooperation between Ludovika and Tongji University is illustrated by the fact that, in parallel to the visit of the delegation, the University of Public Service, Tongji University and ChinaCham Hungary organised a major joint international conference on The Global South and the EU-China Relations. A number of faculty and Ph.D. students from Ludovika and Tongji University participated as speakers.


Text: FPIGIS International Division

Photo: András Szabó