How does AI help researchers?

A discussion titled "Science, Communication, Artificial Intelligence" was organized by the Office for Science Strategy and the Science and Society Research Group of the Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) at the John Lukacs Lounge on May 23.

In her welcome speech, Nóra Falyuna, head of the Science and Society Research Group, highlighted that artificial intelligence (AI) is generating interest in social science research, but there is still no comprehensive scientific narrative and theoretical framework developed for defining AI.

Márton Demeter, head of the LUPS' Office for Science Strategy, stated in his opening remarks that the event focuses on the relationship between the publication process and the use of AI.

Following this, Manuel Goyanes delivered a presentation titled "Artificial Intelligence in Social Science Research," in which he argued that AI signifies the beginning of a new era in scientific publications from both a scientific and methodological perspective.

During the subsequent panel discussion, the issue of journalistic responsibility was raised. While AI is a great help in creating topics and checking spelling, the participants recommended that the task of writing articles should not be handed over to machines.

You can read more about the discussion on the university's scientific portal,

Text by: Lilla Kovács

Photo by: Dénes Szilágyi

Tags: AI