Erasmus+ Staff Week at LUPS

This three-day event brought together a diverse and truly multicultural team. We had guests from Spain (both Tenerife and Madrid), Portugal, Poland, Greece, Croatia, and several universities in Turkey. Thanks to international credit mobility, colleagues from Georgia and Israel were also able to join the staff week. Although our guests were primarily functional university employees, only a small percentage of them are directly involved in implementing the Erasmus+ program at their home institutions. Therefore, unlike previous practices, we planned fewer workshops specifically related to the program’s implementation. Instead, we focused on providing experience-based programs to ensure our visiting colleagues got to know and love both LUPS and Budapest. For those interested in the local implementation of the program, the Head of the International Mobility Department and colleagues offered individual consultations, ensuring the exchange of best practices was not overlooked.

The first morning of the event included a general presentation of the university, with active participation from faculty colleagues who presented the unique aspects of their respective departments. A campus tour, an essential part of welcoming international delegations, was also included. On the second day, guests visited the special law enforcement educational and training block. Under the exciting English-language guidance of Police Colonel Dr Bence Mészáros, they explored the situational rooms used for investigative training, the training jail cell, the interrogation room, and models of a bank branch, a typical apartment, and a hospitality venue. In the afternoon, thanks to the cooperation agreement between LUPS and the Parliamentary Guard, we visited the Parliament and, following a walk, the Buda Castle.

The third morning was spent at the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training (FMSOT), where we gained insight into the work of the Joint Forces Operations Department, experienced a "weapon handling" session, and learned about the operation of the 3D metal printer.

Our partner universities’ staff concluded an exciting week, returning home full of experiences and new friendships. We owe our thanks to all LUPS colleagues who participated in the event’s realization.

Text: International Office
Photos: Dénes Szilágyi, Dóra Fülöp, International Office