Memorandum of Understanding with CESCI

On March 24th, the Inaugural Meeting of the Cross-Border Cooperation Research Workshop (HEK) took place, established by the Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS) and the Central European Support Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI), with the aim of connecting the civil and academic spheres and integrating theoretical research with practical implementation.

On the occasion of the inaugural meeting anniversary, on March 25th, an institutional agreement aimed at deepening the above-mentioned cooperation was signed between the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies (FPGIS) of the university and CESCI at LUPS, followed by the commencement of operational work.

The purpose of the collaboration, signed by Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy, associate professor and vice-dean for scientific affairs at FPGIS, and Gyula Ocskay, Secretary-General of CESCI, is to establish the most significant workshop dealing with border studies in Central Europe in Budapest, thereby filling the current gap and taking a leading role in Central Europe. The multidisciplinary nature of LUPS ensures a broad theoretical background for border research and can also incorporate border studies into university education. To achieve this, CESCI can provide practical knowledge and experience and, through its network, attract leading researchers from Europe, North America, and Asia as lecturers and researchers.

Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy emphasised in his speech the significance of the dual nature of open borders. On one hand, they may pose potential risks in areas such as migration or the freer flow of terrorism. On the other hand, the issue of open borders also appears to be an important national policy issue, as significant Hungarian national minorities live in neighbouring countries. Therefore, open or closed borders establish fundamental connection frameworks between Hungary and the national minorities living in neighbouring countries.

The agreement aims to establish and maintain close professional cooperation and support, develop the appearance and external relations of the Cross-Border Cooperation Research Workshop led by associate professorZsuzsanna Fejes, and organise professional events. The parties support each other's publication work, launch and develop the workshop's own periodical, and prepare and implement domestic and international tenders. CESCI's international professional network also provides opportunities for the parties to participate in larger international research projects and networks regularly.

In his speech, Gyula Ocskay mentioned that the signing of the cooperation agreement was preceded by thorough preparatory work. He highlighted that work has already begun on launching a new internationally recognised scientific and professional journal, the Journal of Advanced Studies on Borders, Cooperation & Development (the ABCD Journal), which has already been submitted to Elsevier Publisher. The journal's editorial board consists of internationally renowned researchers in the field, with Professor James Wesley Scott, an honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, serving as editor-in-chief.

The latest news from the Cross-Border Cooperation Research Workshop can be found HERE.

Text by Teodor Gyelnyík and Melinda Istenes-Benczi

Photo by Dénes Szilágyi