The first lecturer participating in the LEPSY CEEPUS Network mobility has arrived

The Faculty of Law Enforcement realizes educational and scientific international collaborations within the framework of the "Law Enforcement and Psychology (LEPSY) CEEPUS Network" with its partners.

The Faculty of Law Enforcement welcomed Professor Aleksandar Ivanov from Skopje, from the Faculty of Security at St. Kliment Ohridski University (University St. Kliment Ohridski Faculty of Security), from March 3rd to March 10th. Professor Aleksandar Ivanov delivered lectures on the synergistic effects of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation at the Disaster Management Institute.

He also discussed cooperation opportunities with the director of the institute, Colonel Dr Ferenc Varga, and held a high-level professional meeting with Professor Ágoston Restás, the head of the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue Operations Management. He met with Professor János Sallai, the head of the Department of Law Enforcement Theory and Law Enforcement History, and shared his experiences with Colonel Dr Andrea Szabó, Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, Dr Zágon Csaba, the head of the international department of FLE, and with the network's lead coordinator, Dr Johanna Farkas.