From 29 January to 2 February 2024, the fifth international event of the European Union-funded Hybrid Warfare Project took place at the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik in Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovakia. The Ludovika University of Public Service was represented by Colonel Dr Zoltán Jobbágy, Vice-Dean for International Affairs, Dr Anna Molnár, Professor and Head of Department, Dr Éva Jakusné Harnos, Associate Professor at the Department of International Security Studies, and ten undergraduate and graduate students.
The project involved five nations from seven higher education and research institutions - the Ludovika University of Public Service, the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik (Slovak Republic), the ”Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy (Romania), Bar-Ilan University (Israel), The Centre for the Study of New Security Challenges (United Kingdom), University of Turin and Army Education and Training Command and School of Applied Military Studies (Italy).
During the course, the organizers placed great emphasis on combining face-to-face and online teaching methods, as demonstrated by the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) course material. The international project, coordinated by academics from the Ludovika University of Public Service, aims to develop a publicly available curriculum that reflects the changes in hybrid threats and provides an opportunity for participants in secondary and higher education to expand their knowledge on the subject.