Doctoral thesis defence at the Ludovika-University of Public Service in the framework of the European Doctoral School on Common Security and Defence Policy

Captain Mariann Vecsey, doctoral student of the Doctoral School of Military Science and one of the first students of the European Doctoral School on Common Security and Defence Policy, established in 2018, successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 9 March 2023. Prof. Foteini Asderaki, chairperson of the European Doctoral School participated in the review committee.

Captain Vecsey, who currently works as an assistant lecturer at the Department of International Security Studies, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training at the Ludovika-University of Public Service, fulfilled the requirements of both doctoral schools and defended her thesis in English, before an international committee. Her supervisors were Prof Dr Anna Molnár and Prof Dr János Besenyő.

The objective of the virtual Doctoral School, which was founded on the basis of the European Security and Defence College, is to develop a critical mass of scientific and academic expertise that brings together supervisors and mentors and to promote the exchange of knowledge, skills and competencies on European security and defence with a view to providing support for PhD level research reflecting on the CSDP. The Doctoral School of Military Sciences of the Ludovika-University of Public Service has supported the creation of this new virtual Doctoral School since the very beginning.