On 18 October 2022, Ms Brittany Clarke, First Secretary of the Embassy of Australia, and Mr Richard Holzer-Remondi, also representing the Embassy of Australia, visited Boglárka Koller and vice-rector for international affairs at Ludovika-UPS.
The visit aimed to establish the founding pillars of possible participation of the Australian Ambassador at a Ludovika Ambassadors' Forum in the near future.
Vice-rector Koller described Ludovika-UPS, its rich history, its the current role and functions in the Hungarian educational system, and its various faculties. As a second important topic of the meeting, vice-rector Koller presented the Ludovika Ambassadors' Forum in details. She told the honourable guests about the twofold mission of the forum, namely, to provide platform where the guest country's contemporary social, economic and security challenges can be discussed, and also the audience can learn about their culture and gastronomy. Although, Australia will delegate a new ambassador next spring, the negotiating partners agreed that either the outgoing or the new ambassador will accept the invitation of the Ludovika-UPS to the Forum.
Ms Clarke was interested in possible academic cooperation as well. In her response vice-rector Koller mentioned the Ludovika Fellowship Programme as the ideal pedestal for scientific and professional collaboration, as it focuses on academic mobility, offering a unique opportunity for foreign lecturers. Ms Clarke stated that Australian fellows would happily travel to our University in the framework of themobility as mentioned abovey programme.
Thanks to this fruitful visit, both parties agreed that the fundamental foundations have been laid, and the way of a future cooperation has been paved.