Dy. Head of International Office of Ludovika-UPS, Dr Norbert Révai-Bere, former Consul General of Hungary in Mumbai, was invited as Panel Speaker at a Webinar on "Rural Development and Climate Change” organised by Young Environmentalists Programme Trust and Climate Reality Project India, in association with Creed Entertainment on World Tourism Day 2020, to look into the unique ability of the tourism sector in driving economic development and providing opportunities in non-urban areas for a sustainable preservation of the local communities and heritage.
Révai-Bere Norbert emphasized on the importance of sustainable water management introducing Hungarian experiences and good practices in relation to this issue as well as on the importance of education in order to develop sustainable new technologies and capable human resources. He stressed, that, although Hungary has one of the largest water reserves per capita in the world, almost 85% of her waters are flowing from outside of the borders of the country through the magnificent rivers of Central-Europe, therefore we are compelled to initiate and maintain mutually beneficial and sustainable cooperation with our neighbours and the source countries of our rivers. Europe's flourishing Danube Regional Co-operation is a fine example of successful international partnership. He highlighted the unique study programmes of Ludovika - University of Public Service, in particular the Faculty of Water Sciences, its study programmes and new courses offered, as well as the newly launched interdisciplinary Water Diplomacy programme.