Accurate copy of the Zrínyi sabre is at NUPS

From the beginning of the next academic year, the historically accurate replica of the Zrínyi sabre will become one of the university’s symbols. PhD gratuates will now take an oath before this new symbol. The original weapon which used to belong to Miklós Zrínyi (Nicola Zrinski) of Szigetvár can be found in the Museum of Fine Arts (Kunsthistorisches Museum) in Vienna. The only historically accurate replica in Hungary belongs to the National Univerity of Public Service.  

The saber attributed to the former defender of the fortress of Szigetvár has been exhibited in the Austrian capital for centuries. After long negotiations and professional consultations the professional delegation from NUPS managed to see and touch the valuable relic. “The weapon which is an accurate replica of its original both in size and in weight was created in 8 months with the help of the delegation (including a photographer, a military historian, a blacksmith and a weapon’s expert), the Hungarian ambassador in Vienna and a military attaché” - said Prof. Dr. József Padányi Eng. Major General, leader of the professional delegation. The Vice-Rector for Science at NUPS added that making a historically accurate replica of the sabre was a management decision. The tradition of PhD graduate students taking an oath before the university symbols greatly influenced this decision. From the beginning of the next academic year PhD graduates will have the opportunity to take an oath before the only Hungarian historically accurate replica of the sabre. József Padányi added that the only difference between the university’s Zrínyi sabre and its original 400-years old version is that the ornaments are not made of precious metal. The Vice-Rector also highlighted that the original sabre was meant to be a decorative weapon: Zrínyi presumably ordered it for a ceremony and never used it in battle. It was also said that during the examination of the weapon, the experts made several interesting discoveries which might fundamentally change the military and artistic concepts of the era. The new scientific discoveries are expected to be published in autumn in the Military history Journal (Hadtörténelmi Közlemények).

Regarding the activity of the military archeologist team József Padányi said that this year several tests were made with professionals who have analyzed, amongst others, the role of a so-called signalling mortar in the contexte of the Zrínyi-Újvár research project. The archaeological exploration of a well situated in the area has already been finished. The experts are now working on how to open it for visitors.

Tags: NUPS 2017