Faculty Management
Dr. Ágnes Veszelszki
Associate Professor
Dr. Éva Ványi
Associate Professor
Vice-Dean for Education
E-mail: nitk.odh@uni-nke.hu
Dr. Gábor István Kovács
Associate Professor
Vice-Dean for Research
E-mail: nitk.tdh@uni-nke.hu
Dr. András Albert Halbritter
Associate Professor
Vice-Dean for International Affairs
E-mail: nitk.nkdh@uni-nke.hu
Zoltán Füzessy
Head of the Dean’s Office
E-mail: nitk.dekanihivatal@uni-nke.hu
Miklós Blankó
Chief of Staff to the Dean
E-mail: nitk.dekan@uni-nke.hu
Office: H-1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2.
Phone: +36 1 432 9000
E-mail: nitk.info@uni-nke.hu