Staff of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy
Publications of the faculty members can be found in the Hungarian Archives of Scientific Works by searching for the author's name.
Head of Department
Dr. Péter Krisztián Zachar, associate professor
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/20-456
Field of research and teaching: political history and ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries, Franco-German relations, European interest representation and advocacy organisations, the historical roots of the (European) social partnership
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 229. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/ 29705
András Bartók, assistant lecturer
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/20-455
Field of research and teaching: Geopolitics, East Asia - security and defence policy, Wargaming Japanese language
Dr. Mihály Fülöp, professor emeritus
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/20-845
Field of research and teaching: European peace negotiations, border and minority issues, history of diplomacy, history of Hungarian foreign policy, Hungarian peace treaties
Dr. Ferenc Gazdag, professor emeritus
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Field of research and teaching: French foreign policy, European Union, Hungarian foreign and security policy, EU common foreign and security policy, security policy
Dr. László Gábor Lovászy, senior research fellow
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/29-824
Field of research and teaching: employment policy, social and labour law, human rights, disability, technology, futurology
Dr. Viktor Marsai, associate professor
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/29-753
Field of research and teaching: security and defence policy, African studies, jihadist groups in Africa, fragile states, migration
Dr. Erzsébet Nagyné Rózsa, professor
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Tel.: +36-1-432-9000/29-756
Field of research and teaching: civilisation and regional studies, WMD disarmament and non-proliferation, Middle East studies, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation
Gyula Speck, assistant lecturer
Office: Ludovika Campus, Side Building, 227. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Field of research and teaching: Germany's foreign, security and defence policy, international arms trade, history of diplomacy, history of Hungarian foreign policy
Ferenc Robák, associate professor h.c.
Field of research and teaching: Hungarian foreign administration, diplomatic protocol, Hungarian-French relations