Department of European Studies

Head of Department: Dr. Boglárka Koller, full professor, Jean Monnet Chair

Boglárka Koller, PhD is full Professor, Jean Monnet Chair and Head of Department of European Studies at the Ludovika University of Public Service. She graduated from Corvinus University, Budapest as an economist in 1998; she also holds an MA in Nationalism Studies from the Central European University and an MSc in European Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD in International Relations from Corvinus University. She habilitated in 2016 and was appointed full professor in 2020. She has published extensively on European integration.

She has more than 25 years of teaching experience in the area of European Studies at each level of higher education (BA, MA, PhD) in Hungary and worldwide. Besides her academic work, she holds several leadership positions. She is a member of the Board of the Hungarian United Nations Association, member of the Social Sciences Committee of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee and head of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Európai Tükör / European Mirror. She is also a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Comparative Politics, Polish Political Science Yearbook, Frontiers in Political Science. She is member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Committee of Political Sciences, the Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen, the University Association for Contemporary European Studies, Vice-President of the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) since 2018. 

The Department of European Studies (DES) conducts multidisciplinary research in relation with the history and politics of European integration and current challenges of the EU in the field of European Studies.

The Mission of the Department is to educate and train professionals to work in the Hungarian Administration or at the institutions of the European Union and other International Organisations, obtaining a high-level of theoretical and practical knowledge, and at the same time being competitive even on an international level, in order to provide high-quality and continuously available experts which is essential for the effective representation of Hungarian national interests.

The Department of European Studies, as an acclaimed knowledge centre, creates synergy between research and education activities in the multidisciplinary field of European Studies.

Regarding the training programmes of the University, the education portfolio of the Department contains the subjects related to European integration, therefore, the courses in the programmes of Bachelor's Degree of International Public Management, the Master’s Degree of International Public Service Relations, the Bachelor's and Master’s Degrees of International Security and Defence Policy and the Master’s Degree of International Public Service Relations, as well as courses of other training modules of the University.

The Department is responsible for the Hungarian and English language academic programmes of the Master’s Degree in International Relations and the Bachelor’ Degree of International Public Management in Hungarian.

Furthermore, the Department is conducting, amongst others, the education of subjects such as the History of European Integration, the Politics and Policies, Institutions and Decision-making Procedures, the Political System of the EU, comparative politics of EU Member States as well as subjects introducing current political trends and agendas of the Union.

The main focus of research at the Department is European Integration, with particular attention to the interpretation and analysis of the European unification process in light of its responses to the political, economic and social aspects of the challenges posed by the recent crises; the differentiated forms of co-operation in the European Union; processes of Europeanization and the integration of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as, regional models of multi-level governance (MLG). Other areas of research in the profile of the Department include the Europeanization of the Western-Balkan Region and the enlargement policy of the EU.

In the course of talent management, the professors and lecturers of the Department are actively contributing to the preparation of students participating in ’national students' contests, the assistance of those students, who are part of the New National Excellence Programme (Új Nemzeti Kiválósági Program), and the mentoring of the student fellows of the International and European Advanced College (Nemzetközi és Európai Szakkollégium), as well as, the PhD Programmes of the University both as supervisors and theme providers. The research field of International and European Studies of the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences is lead by the Head of the DES.

The Department is actively involved in editing the  European Mirror, the scientific journal of  Ludovika-University of Public Service.


Office: H-1083 Budapest, Ludovika Campus, Side Building 208. (1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 1.)
Phone: +36 1 432 9000 / 20828