Department of Economics and International Economics

Head of Department: Dr. Gábor Kutasi, associate professor


Knowledge in economics, including international economics is indispensable in government and public service work, both in its domestic and international dimensions. In addition to the basics that are essential for modern public service, the activities of the Department of Economics and International Economics are also related to teaching and researching in disciplines such as economic policy, public economics, international economics, world economics, the EU economic policies and other relevant international public policy areas.

In performing these tasks, the department relies significantly on the results of the programmes launched and implemented in recent years with the contribution of its staff, above all on the teaching of undergraduate and master's courses at the Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies (FPGIS). Beyond that, the department contributes to the development of new activities, as well as to the further strengthening of certain existing activities, by elaborating further priorities that are focusing on the specifics and needs of FPGIS, resulting in further development of activities.

The need for disciplinary integration and coordination is essential. The integration and coordination of dealing with economics, especially international economic studies, in a single educational organizational unit – not only at faculty, but also at university level – is a key requirement. This disciplinary integration enables the efficient utilization and the synergy of the available professional capacities.

The high-level teaching and management of the subjects taught in the existing undergraduate and master's degree programs is of key importance in the work of the department. Among the potential further development directions, preparing the introduction of certain new programmes and teaching certain programmes already operating in Hungarian, in a foreign language (English) and, if necessary, their accreditation needs to be highlighted. It is an important objective that the staff of the department also actively participates in the doctoral programmes of the university.

In addition to education, high-quality research is also an important task of the department. Besides its diverse educational activities, the department also intends to contribute to high-quality activities in sciences related to public governance (understood in the broadest sense) with the research activity of its staff.


Office: H-1083 Budapest, Ludovika Square 1, Ludovika Campus - Side Building, Office 140
Phone: +36 1 432 9000 / 20212
E-mail: Kutasi.Gá