Cybersecurity Scientific Student Club

The aim of the Cybersecurity Scientific Student Club is to gather all talented students who are interested in research in the field of Cybersecurity, which was established on 1 February 2023. Talent management will continue the tradition established in the predecessor department, in line with the profile of the Department. The mentoring of our students is not only professional but also academically forward-looking, involving our most talented students in research projects related to the Department. In recent years, a large number of papers on the topic of cybersecurity have been published at the Institutional and National Conferences of Scientific Students, and our students have achieved numerous successes, even filling independent chapters with papers on the topic. As a continuation of their research, a large number of our former club students are applying for doctoral studies.

Head of the Club: Bányász Bányász, PhD

Club Secretary: Vörös Hanna