Foreign Language Training Centre
Foreign Language Training Centre
Gabriella Kiss Dr. PhD
Head of the Foreign Language Training Centre
She serves as head of the Foreign Language Training Centre of the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officers’ Training, Ludovika - University of Public Service. She received her degree from the University of Pécs and eventually earned her spot as an English language teacher in 2001 at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University, Budapest. In addition to teaching, she successfully completed her PhD studies in 2009. In 2010 she competed for the position of the director at the Language Institution, ZMNDU, Since 2011 she has continued her career as a director of the Foreign Language Training Centre at the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training, National University of Public Service, as the successor of ZMNDU.
Office: H-1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. Zrínyi Campus Building III.
Phone: (36) 1 432 9000/ 29103
The Foreign Language Training Centre has a wide range of missions which include the training of BSc officer cadets and their preparation for intermediate or advanced (special) language examinations in accordance with education requirements. The Centre also conducts language training courses where commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and MoD employees are provided with high-level language knowledge. NATO-accredited international language training is also conducted by the Centre upon the request of the Alliance. These courses have been organised by the Language Training Centre since 2006. DEEP (Defence Enhancement Education Programme) is a newly initiated programme, implemented in 2015, serve as the support provided for the partner nations by the Ministry of Defence, as the contribution of the Ministry and Hungary to a high-priority NATO project.
The Military Terminology Teacher Training Seminar states objectives as to train teachers/instructors of military English from PfP, NATO and MD nations in the field of English language terminology and methodology in order to reach a larger military audience by using the English language. Another objective of the course is to build a network of experts who can cooperate long after the course has finished. The seminar is organised twice a year (in May and in October), for two weeks each, with 10-12 participants from different NATO/ Pf P/ MD countries.
The Staff Officers Military Terminology Course aims to give students the ability to communicate within a NATO environment, which is a vital prerequisite for cooperation between NATO and the Partner Nations. It prepares Partner Nations’ Staff Officers, selected by their parent service, to fulfil staff positions in Multinational Headquarters, as well as for officers and civilian officials in national Ministries of Defence, Defence Staff, and General Staff.
Our Centre was also requested to prepare international participants for Hungarian as a Foreign Language, after accomplishing the language requirements (2 Academic Semesters, intensive), they are to participate at the General Staff Course conducted in Hungarian. Since 2016/2017 Academic Year this course has been accomplished by the General Staff Course.
Thanks to the fruitful cooperation with the Embassy of the United States as well as the Office of Defence Cooperation (ODC), we are all committed to actively raising the quality of language education by offering the spot for Conversation Clubs of free discussions with native speakers, as well as a series of presentations with informative, sometimes thought-provoking topics covering the field of military and military-politics. Additionally, the Centre has been an active participant of the Bureau for International Language Coordination (BILC) that provides us the opportunity to extend our network of foreign relations as well as to be informed by the latest trends and experiences on military language education and testing world-wide. Within the framework of the BILC, the head of the Foreign Language Training Centre has been invited into a strategic team (Faculty Development Workshop) that was enabled to create a course and to facilitate it per annum for international language educators providing them with practical methodology in the field of military language education.