Department of Operations and Support
Department of Operations and Support
Dear Visitor, Welcome to the Department of Operations and Support!
It is a great honour for us to view the website of the Department!
Head of Department: Col. Tamás Berek Dr., PhD, Associate Professor
Office: H-1101 Budapest, Hungária krt. 9-11., Zrínyi Campus, Building „A” Room 537
Phone: (+36)-1-432-9000/29-544
Colonel Tamás Berek was commissioned as a CBRN officer at the Bolyai János Military Technical College in Budapest in 1997. He joined the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University as a lecturer in 1998. In 2002, he obtained a Master’s degree (Defence Administration - Chemical Security Manager) from the Faculty of Management of the National Defence University; in 2008, he completed postgraduate studies (Safety Engineer). In 2007, he obtained a PhD degree and, in 2015, he habilitated in Military Science at the National University of Public Service. He has served in various teaching positions at the Kossuth Lajos Faculty of Military Science, the Bolyai János Military Technical Faculty of the Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University and, at the Faculty of Military Science and Officer training of the National University of Public Service. He has twenty-four years of experience in military higher education and five years of experience in management. Member of the Public Body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2007. Member of the Hungarian Military Science Societies since 2007, President of the CBRN Defence and Environmental Security Section.
His research interests are CBRN defence support and CBRN defence support theory, water safety and security issues, complex security systems.
About the Department
By national security and military strategy of Hungary, the mission of the Department is to prepare and train cadets and officers for military intelligence, field artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, military and combat engineering, military geography and cartography, land navigation and CBRN defence in general and specialised fields. The Department currently has six specialised subgroups to manage these different tasks.
Disciplines related to the activities of the Department are significant achievements, such as support to live-fire exercises, participation in international educational collaborations; organisation of various conferences and symposia; leadership of research areas for PhD training and maintenance of extensive publication activities, have been achieved in the fields of combat simulation systems (HUNTOPCIS), military engineering, security geography, CBRN defence, environmental security, security engineering, application and maintenance of air defence artillery command and control systems.
The Department provides education across the entire vertical of the NUPS Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training, from undergraduate to Master's and PhD level, even as coursework.
The Department conducts scientific research to provide the scientific basis for the various outputs following the requirements of practice-oriented officer training.
Research areas of the Department:
Our academic research focuses on exploring the issues and tasks of combat support for military and non-Article V. military operations, collecting and analysing practical experience and, introducing them into education:
- artillery fire support,
- reconnaissance support,
- combat engineer support,
- CBRN defence support,
- geo-information support.
The instructors of the Department conduct scientific activities in various fields, the results of which are regularly published in conferences and scientific journals. In addition to individual research, we consider it essential to support student academic activities; therefore, we participate in the supervision and assessment of student research projects, theses, dissertations, and PhD theses, as well, in the evaluation of publications and papers.