Department of Civilian National Security

Department of Civilian National Security

The Department of Civilian National Security started its operation at the University in 2012. Being the higher education partner of the civilian national services and organisations involved in undercover detection, its main aims are to convey modern knowledge to the students that will provide their professional development, to shape their approach and to develop their competences. In the framework of the specialities and specialisations managed by the department, the students can pursue studies in the undergraduate (BA) and post-graduate degree (MA) programmes.


Apart from its tasks related to education and research, the Department places great emphasis on the constant development of the content of the training, which is carried out in cooperation with the departments of the Institute of National Security and the relevant organisational units of the National University of Public Service.


Head of Department Civilian National Security

The head of the Department is Dr Imre Dobák, habilitated associate professor. His current fields of research are the general theoretical questions of national security, the evolution of and changes in the areas of gathering information and the professional history of secret services and that of the training provided by them.



Contact Information

Department of Civilian National Security

Postal address: 1441 Bp. Pf. 60. (P.O. Box)

Office: 1101 Budapest Hungária körút 9-11.


Telephone: 00 36 1 432 9000/29-685.

Head of Department: Dr Imre Dobák, associate professor

Secretariat: Szilvia Molnár