Faculty of Law Enforcement

The predecessor of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, the Police College of Hungary was established in 1970, since then it has been the top organization in law enforcement education. The Faculty of Law Enforcement (as part of the University of Public Service) is currently the only higher education organization in Hungary, which is entitled to issue degrees required for the appointment of commissioned officers of the law enforcement agencies.

The mission of the Faculty of Law Enforcement is to provide training for the future mid-level and high-level leaders of the Hungarian law enforcement agencies, such as the Hungarian National Police, the National Tax and Customs Office, the Prison Service of Hungary, the National Directorate-General for Alien Policing and the Counter Terrorism Centre. The Faculty also has educational programs for civilians who would like to work in the private security sector, and special educational programs in the field of national security and disaster management as well.

According to its mission, the main fields of study and research at the Faculty of Law Enforcement are criminal law, criminal procedure law, criminology, criminalistics, forensic sciences, criminal psychology, cybersecurity, criminal pedagogy, border policing, traffic policing, counter-terrorism, covert intelligence, law and economics of taxation, alien law, national security studies, disaster management, protection of facilities and persons, private investigation, and law enforcement leadership management.

The Faculty of Law Enforcement has the features of both a university school and a police academy: students (who are law enforcement cadets under Hungarian law) have to attend theoretical classes, take exams and write papers, but they also have to wear uniforms while being at the university, attend special training classes (shooting, officer safety etc.), obey the formal rules governing the life of law enforcement officers in the field, pay respect to the traditions of the law enforcement community, and in the first academic year it is compulsory for them to reside in the dormitory at the campus.
