Student card

Erasmus students receive a certificate of their student status at the faculty administration office, that serves as a student card for the period of they stay.


Full-degree students must apply for a student card.


How to obtain a new student card

1. To obtain a new student card, you must first have an official photo taken and provide your official signature at “Okmányiroda”. The student card is free of charge.

Address: VIII. district “Okmányiroda”; Baross str. 59., 1082 Budapest

Note: you must take your residence permit and passport with you to the Okmányiroda.

2. There you will be given a NEK (Nemzeti Egységes Kártyarendszer) datasheet. This form has a 16-character identification number in the upper right corner. Please note that you must keep this sheet for further use.

3. Log on to your Neptun site, go to ’Administration’ and click on ’Student Card request’ in the drop-down list.

 A smiley:) will warn you not to add the hyphens when typing in your 16 character NEK identifier into the yellow text box!

3/a. Click on the grey tab ’Add new’ and type your 16 character NEK identifier into the blank called ’NEK azonosító’
 3/b. then choose ’Demand type’. Check that your current Hungarian address is correct and shows up in the ’Street, number’text box. Please note: you must have your correct, current Hungarian address uploaded in the Neptun system because the permanent student card will be mailed to that address!

4. Until then, you will need to use the temporaryA4-format certificate, which is valid for maximum 60 days, and with it you will be able to buy a student pass as well. This you can require from your faculty coordinator (PhD students at the Doctoral School’s office).