International Office

The International Office coordinates the international activities of NUPS.


International Office

Main tasks:

  • coordinating the mobility programmes with a special emphasis on the Erasmus+ and Stipendium Hungaricum programmes;
  • contributing to the development of the course catalogue and degree programmes offered for international students;
  • arranging the reception of incoming delegations and the professional visit of the University’s staff;
  • contributing to the organisation of conferences, events and other programmes that have an international aspect;
  • giving support to the international activities of the Faculties and other organisational units and serving as a link between the Vice-Rector and the different units;
  • liaising with other departments and student organisations, participating at the different managerial forums;
  • contributing to the development of the international strategy of NUPS;
  • carrying out international and marketing activities in relation to the international presence of NUPS and international recruitment.



Office address: H-1089 Budapest, Diószegi Sámuel utca 23..
Postal Address: H-1441 Budapest, P.O. Box 60.

E-mail: exchange programmes, student and staff mobility general issues, partnerships, grant proposals

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


                        Our team:

Györgyike Bíró

I am responsible for organizing and coordinating international events, conferences and the visit of foreign delegations, inter-institutional coordination of the Singapore Cooperation Programme.


Diána Kis

I am working as an international coordinator of the ERASMUS+ Program. My main subject to coordinate the mobility of the teachers and staffs inside of Europe.


Renáta Kovács

I am responsible for the incoming Erasmus + students, furthermore for the incoming and outgoing students who participate in the ICM (International Credit Mobility) program.


Gabriella Pető

I deal with financial tasks. I help the work of International Directorate to promote financial processes.


Zsuzsanna Szarkáné Szabó 

I am responsible for the Stipendium Hungaricum program at NUPS. I will be happy to stay at the disposal for all SH students with any kind of inquiries. Together we will search for solution for any question.


Balázs Tárnok

I deal with the promotion of the University's international relations, providing legal assistance to the conclusion of cooperation agreements with various universities. My main responsibilities are to support the University's international relations strategy, with particular reference to transatlantic and Western European relations, as well as to promote the cooperation with Central and Eastern European academic institutions and Hungarian higher education institutions abroad.


Fatima Weininger

I deal with the administration of the mobility of outgoing students within the Erasmus+ KA103 project.


Edina Zsigmond

I am responsible for European Universities Initiative, international networking, internationalisation of the university.


Réka Zsigmond

I am coordinating and organizing international events, conferences and visit of foreign delegations.


Gábor Deregán

I am responsible for international communications, including writing, editing and publishing articles.