International Office
Main tasks:
- coordinating the mobility programmes with a special emphasis on the Erasmus+ and Stipendium Hungaricum programmes;
- contributing to the development of the course catalogue and degree programmes offered for international students;
- arranging the reception of incoming delegations and the professional visit of the University’s staff;
- contributing to the organisation of conferences, events and other programmes that have an international aspect;
- giving support to the international activities of the Faculties and other organisational units and serving as a link between the Vice-Rector and the different units;
- liaising with other departments and student organisations, participating at the different managerial forums;
- contributing to the development of the international strategy of LUPS;
- carrying out international and marketing activities in relation to the international presence of LUPS and international recruitment.
Office address: H-1083, Budapest, Ludovika sqr. 2
Postal Address: H-1441 Budapest, P.O. Box 60.
E-mail: exchange programmes, student and staff mobility
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.